You, our feisty little peanut, are 9 months old! We are loving summer and taking full advantage of the warm weather activities. You and your brother are happiest outside, which is great with me! We've been loving the pool lately because Liam can swim without my help when he has his floats on, and you love being pulled around in the water splashing away!
You have completely dropped your third nap and are starting to stretch-out your afternoon nap. It has been the best transition ever! You and Liam nap at the same time in the afternoons and then we all get to have a little more time together before dinner. I am hoping you will be as good of a napper as your brother once we drop your morning nap! You are still amazing at night, sleeping from 7:30 to 7 like clockwork, that's my girl!
You are starting to realllly want to tell us what's on your mind. You are a loud little thing with lots of sass and drama, no idea where you get those personality traits! ;) Most of the time the drama comes out because of food...I get you girl. You LOVE to eat, still a tiny little thing, but killing it in the appetite department.
You got to cheer your brother on when he walked down the aisle as a ring bearer for our sweet friends Holly and Michael. It was a special night celebrating two people we love at our church home!
Later in the month, the best early morning surprise ever came to our door...Aunt CaCa was home from Japan!!
To say that you bonded with CaCa immediately is an understatement. You ADORE her. Screaming and crying explodes out of your little body when anyone, including your mother, takes you from her. I can't blame you, Aunt CaCa is the best and she loves you and your brother so much it makes me so proud to be her sister. She has been with us as much as possible this month since arriving home and we plan on keeping it that way the whole time she's here!
Zuzu got a little jealous this month now that CaCa seems to have replaced her, but I think it helps her that she's still your haircut twin! These pictures kill me!!
Your hair continues to get lighter, your personality stronger, and activity level busier...but the tongue remains the same! You are hilarious and weird in the best way, so much fun, and wide open Bennett girl! We love you so much!