February 17, 2014

Liam's 1st Birthday Party

Let me tell you one thing, I was not prepared for the amount of pressure that comes with planning your first baby's 1st birthday party while living in the Pinterest era! 

I would love to be one of those mom's who plans month's ahead of time, goes all out on a theme, hand makes crafts, and goes the extra mile to bake an organic apple sauce cake...but lets get real...that will never be me. 

I'm pretty confident that Liam didn't mind the lack of hand crafted details because the one thing that IS me and is really important to the Wright trio is the presence of those we love creating memories with us.  With that at the top of my list, Liam's birthday party was an overwhelming success! So many people we love came to our house to celebrate our boy and it has easily become one of my favorite memories of Liam's life. 

Thanks to Liam's grandparents, aunts, and uncles, the decor, food, and drinks came together perfectly. With their help, the party was truly a joy to plan and host.

I absolutely loved all of the activity going on inside, outside, and all around our house. The weather was perfect and allowed for some chats around the fire pit, fish feeding, and chicken chasing :)

Liam's little friends are the most fun and the MOST precious buddies in the world...look at these faces: 

My friends are pretty cute too: 

After hanging out for a while and letting the babies play, we all gathered in the family room where we opened presents (with the help of Maggie and Mary Eden) and sang Happy Birthday to Liam. I think it's safe to say that was his favorite time of the night as he clapped for himself the entire time we sang!

We brought out the cake and it was pretty anti-climatic. I fed him some icing but that was about all the action we got.

Friends and family hung around and we finished up the party feeling so loved, so overwhelmed by the generosity of others, and so nostalgic about our baby toddler boy!

Happy Birthday, Liam boy. We love you!! 

Dear Liam :: 12 Months

:: Stats :: 

Weight : 20 pounds 3 ounces

Height : 29 inches

Who ever said you were allowed to turn 1 year old!? I cannot believe it. 

As I am writing this, I can't help but remember the day you were born. I remember your dad and I feeling so anxious, excited and overwhelmed as we checked into the hospital. 

No one can prepare you for labor; the intensity of the day, the emotional roller coaster, the pure exhaustion, and the profound joy that all takes place during the anticipation of meeting a brand new person, only known by God, but loved immediately by so many. 

1 year later, we love you more than we ever thought possible. Your life this year has been the most incredible blessing to us and we are so thankful for the privilege of being your parents. 

:: Feeding :: 

This month, we have been working on replacing the remaining 2 feedings with formula to prepare for our trip to Nashville. We replaced the morning feeding last and I finished breast feeding for good the day after Christmas! I will say that slowly replacing them was a great way to ease into the end of a big milestone. By the time we replaced them all, I was really enjoying the freedom that came with bottles and loved allowing other people who love you to have that special time to feed you.  

:: Sleeping ::

I am happy to say that we have been so fortunate with you and your sleeping habits! You are still consistently sleeping around 7pm to 7am every night. You still nap twice a day usually 9am and 1pm for about an hour and a half each time.

You love your crib and most of the time when you wake up from your naps, you like to play in there for a few minutes while you wake up. You have started reaching for your crib instead of snuggling when we are getting you quieted down and want us to tuck your blanket and lovies around you...melts my heart every time!

:: Fun Things :: 

-You've started warming up to people more and more. You have started noticing when you are entertaining people and love the attention...as long as they don't try to hold you! 

-You have developed an obsession with Elmo!

-This wasn't fun, but you had a really bad cold this month that made you feel so sick for a few days that all you wanted to do was snuggle and lay in our laps while we rocked you. It was so sad but kinda really sweet too :)

-You want to dance...always.

-You have started doing the motions to sing along songs, bring me books that you want to read, point to things you want, and shake your head no when we get it wrong...growing up before our eyes!

-This month we have entered into a preview of the terrible 2's! With all of this new found knowledge and forming opinions and testing boundaries, somewhere along the way you started to throw mini tantrums. You whine and fuss when you don't get your way, when something is taken away, or sometimes just to embarrass me in public! Your dad and I are going to need some serious prayer for  wisdom, patience, and grace in this new phase of parenting!

-You have started trying to repeat sounds and words a little. You especially love to tell us what a monkey and a lion say :)

-The chickens are your new favorite animals. You chase them around the backyard and squeal when we go feed them or collect eggs.