Our Christmas plans have been totally altered this year because of the little man growing in my belly. Even though I am SO beyond excited about him coming soon, I will admit that I was disappointed about how much Ben and I wouldn't be able to do this year for the Holiday's. We usually spend Christmas night and a few days after with the Wright's at Windy Gap and it is one of the highlights of our year. This year, obviously I can't travel that far so close to my due date, so we decided to go to the mountains the first weekend of December to kick off the season.
Ben and I arrived in Brevard on Friday night and spent the night catching up with Megan and EJ and dreaming about the day when our families will live in the same place...one day please, Lord! Saturday morning we went to Grandmerle and Pop Pop's for a big breakfast with more family. It was so good to get to see so much family since we won't be seeing them over Christmas. Then we headed uptown to the cute shops in Brevard where I lusted over clothes that I will probably never fit into again in my life.
After lunch, Megan, EJ, Ben and I headed to Asheville and toured the Biltmore House. Oh my gosh, the Biltmore in general was amazing but add Christmas decorations and forget about it - I was in heaven. I loved stepping back in time and imagining the family living in this house - it was like Downton Abbey on crack.
After the Biltmore tour, we all headed into downtown Asheville for dinner. It was so much fun to get to spend such good time with just Megan and EJ. We are so blessed to have family who are also our best friends, who get us and love us so well. After dinner we headed to Windy Gap where Robert and Ann were head leaders for the weekend. We got to see so many friends and being at Windy Gap was so special - we spent the last half of the night after club sitting in Blue Ridge in front of what has become my favorite fire place of all time catching up with friends and family.
Before heading back to Raleigh on Sunday morning, we stopped in Asheville to have breakfast with Ryan and Christina and finally meet baby Carson! She was the sweetest, most beautiful little thing in the world! We love this little family SO much and can't wait to get Carson together with her boyfriend when he makes his arrival :)
Our mountain weekend was a HUGE success. We loved every minute of the time we got to spend with family, friends and mountain weather!
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