June 20, 2013

Celebrating Graham and Laney

This weekend, Ben and I got to host a couples shower along with Ben and Kara Smith for Laney and Graham. It was their first shower so we were excited to be able to help them kick off celebrations for their upcoming September wedding! 

Despite having to change outfits 3 times because of spills and broken zippers, a crying baby needing to nap, and 100 degree heat during an outdoor shower - I think things went pretty well :). Ben and I could never have pulled it off by ourselves. Thanks to Kara and Ben and Robert and Ann, I think the shower turned out to be a beautiful backyard celebration! 

After eating, mingling, and playing some cornhole - Kara and I lead an engagement version of the newlywed game.

A few examples of things we learned:
Laney is the better driver
They both knew they were in love during Graham's summer internship at Windy Gap
Laney is always on her phone and Graham has smelly feet
They both want to live in Asheville one day
When asked who is the better kisser, they both said themselves ;)

Graham and Laney were great sports and in the end, Laney took home the grand prize - $5 thanks to big Rob!

Next up, opening presents!

They were so appreciative and great at showing off their gifts...and other things:

My co-host rocking the ribbon bouquet project

And her husband :)

The bride and some of her bridesmaids: 

Lady hostesses and the bride to be:

 Hosts with the happy couple!

 Excited parents :)

Graham and Laney, it was such a fun day celebrating you two. I hope you both know how much you are loved! 

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