September 15, 2013

Dear Liam :: 6 Months

Before forgetting about this blogging business for a good 2 months, I was honestly avoiding writing this post for a while after we had a little bit of a discouraging doctors appointment for your 6 month check up.

While I thought you were a perfectly chunky little bub, the doctors are only 8th percentile for weight right now! They want to see you gaining weight faster and somewhere between the suggestions about how to do this and the tests that would be necessary if your weight didn't start increasing quickly, I started to panic! The fact that you had an otherwise perfect checkup was not even in my mind, instead all I could think was, what am I doing wrong? how did I miss this?

After processing for a few days, talking with your dad, and confiding in my mommy friends and family, I was reminded of the fact that I am ultimately not in control. It is crazy how many times God has had to and will continue to remind me of the fact that your life is in his hands...and oh my gosh I am SO thankful! I have been praying this verse for your dad and me as we continue to learn to be parents and place our trust in Jesus and not ourselves:

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, 
because they trust in you." Isaiah 26: 3

With that being said, I'm going to cut down on  up long winded eating/sleeping updates because they are finally not the focus of our whole lives anymore! You have started to become this precious little person with your own personality and as you develop more and more I want to make sure to document those things and not the sleepless nights or how much milk you're drinking...boring. 

:: Feeding :: 

This month we started spacing out your feedings to every 3.5 to 4 hours and added in solid meals 3 times a day! You have LOVED eating solids once we moved on from the oatmeal cereal. I have been able to make all of your food at home which has been really fun and SO much cheaper. We have introduced a new food every 3 or 4 days to make sure you're not allergic to anything - so far so good. As of right now your favorites are avocado, sweet potato and banana! You're also eating green beans, butternut squash, prunes, yogurt, and peaches. 

The only really negative reaction to a food that we've had was the biggest shock of my life - apples! My favorite! You not only hated them, but every time I've given them to you you've had some sort of minor reaction...I don't think those will be offered again anytime soon. 

:: Sleeping :: 

We were on a little bit of a different schedule this month and it has seemed to work really well for us. You are still napping 3 times a day but we have finally broken that 45 minute intruder and you have been consistently sleeping about an hour to an hour and a half, halleluuuu! 

We have also bumped bed time back a little so that you are now going to sleep at 7:30. The majority of the time you are sleeping from 7:30pm to 4:30 or 5am, eating, and going back down until 7am. I am totally cool with this sleep schedule so keep it up! 

:: Fun Things :: 

-You are definitely saying "ma ma" and "da da" !! :) 

-When you get excited you flail your arms up and down and say "gollygollygolly"....kills us every time! 

-You are sitting up by yourself! Sometimes you lose your balance and need a little help, but most of the time you are able to do it by yourself for a few minutes. 

-You love peek a boo and any toys that make noise/music. 

-You are still a BUSY little thing. You would much rather be up on your feet than sitting down to play, so the excersaucer has been a life saver this month!  

-Water is the best thing that has ever happened to you. You LOVE it. Pool time and bath time are your favorite activities in this world! 

-You have started to warm up to other people! You especially love your family :) 

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