Miss priss, you are 6 months old! Just like that! I can't believe that half a year has gone by since I delivered you at 4am, first saw that crazy head full of black hair, and knew life would never be the same. It's true, life has never been the same since we welcomed you into our family, but at the same time I can't remember what life was like without you! B, we are so in love with your sweet, sassy, hilarious, spunky self! We are getting to see more and more of who you are with every passing month, so even though this baby phase is passing by WAY TOO FAST, it's easier to bear when every month means discovering more of your little personality.
I think it's safe to say you are going to be like your brother and love being outside as much as possible. The weather is continuing to warm up and we are loving taking advantage of backyard picnics, walks to the park, and watching the geese fly in.

This month the two biggest milestones have been learning to sit up by yourself (yay!) and taking your first bite of table food.
I just have to say, being a mom this time around is so much easier! I would never have broken the "rules" and given Liam table food on a whim, but I have felt so much more freedom to trust my instincts and let go of my false sense of control this time around. So, this month when we visited Nan and Pops in the mountains and you wouldn't stop lunging for every bite of my food at dinner, I decided we should go for it. There was a banana on the counter and as you can see from the picture, it was a major hit! You are ALL about table foods...hallelujah.
You are still as happy as can be sleeping in your pack n play in the closet. I have never known a baby to prefer the pack n play, but at least it makes you a wonderful traveler! Maybe one day you will have a room outside of Mommy and Dee Da's closet.
For the first time in years, we decided to stay in town to celebrate Easter instead of heading to the beach. We got to go to service at church, hunt for easter eggs, and eat lunch with family at ZuZu and Big Jim's house after.

We also got to celebrate our bestie Aunt Laney's birthday this month!

Liam is still the funniest person in the world to you and you are so ready to be able to keep up with him! I am praying that as your relationship continues to grow, Liam will remain protective and sweet to his baby sister and you will always look at him with admiration and love.
We love you Billy Girl!
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