March 28, 2013

:: Nursery ::

Liam's nursery was such a fun project for Ben and I. We loved the "nesting" process and being able to imagine our baby boy in the little room we worked on for 9 months! We were going for a rustic, calming, restoration hardware kind of look and you would be surprised how hard it is to find things that aren't animal/disney/superhero themed for a little boy so most of it ended up being a DIY project, which we love anyway! Here are some pictures of the details:

These pictures were obviously taken before Liam was born (empty frames and baskets + shower gifts still out on the changing table). We've updated and added a few things since, including a baby and the mess that comes with that! Overall we are really happy with the way it turned out! 

March 21, 2013

Dear Liam :: 2 Months

Baby bubs, you are 2 months old! I think I might start each of these posts with "I can't believe that you are already..." but really, I can't! Here's a quick recap of our life this month: 

:: Stats :: 

Weight: 11 pounds 15.5 ounces 

Length: 22 1/2 inches 

We just got back from your 2 month wellness checkup at the doctor. Even though we got great news and a healthy report it was pretty rough, you had 3 vaccines! I called in reinforcements because I couldn't stand to have to hold you down while you looked at me like "Why are you letting them do this to me??". We left that part to aunt Caroline...she wants to work with pediatrics anyway so I figured I'd give her some practice. You handled it like a pro...after crying all of your air out for 2 minutes... you fell right to sleep in my arms. Glad it's over!

:: Feeding :: 

You, my friend, love to eat. We are still on a pretty solid feeding schedule with me nursing you every 2 to 3 hours. Mostly its more like every 2 or 2 1/2, but who's counting? You are still great with breast feeding and it's become way less stressful since you are able to latch on immediately and eat anywhere...dressing rooms, parking lots...we keep it classy over here.

One of the big milestones for us this month was introducing a bottle. I was pretty nervous about switching back and forth because of what the internet calls "nipple confusion" so we made sure to wait until month 2 to try. Your dad gave you your first bottle while I was at a baby shower for your soon to arrive bff, baby Smith Andrews, and he said you sucked down all 4 ounces of my pumped milk in no time! He also said he was a little teary eyed while feeding you for the first time :). Since then you've had no trouble switching back and forth, so if I can figure out how to stock pile some pumped milk in the freezer, we might be doing this more often!

:: Sleeping :: 

The night that your uncle Graham and aunt Laney got engaged we wore you out! You didn't get to go to sleep in your bassinet until around 11:45pm. The next morning your dad and I woke up at 8am to silence and about broke something when we shot out of bed simultaneously to make sure you were ok. You had slept through the night! That time was kinda a fluke but really this entire month you have only needed to wake up once to be fed, around 3am, and then slept until about 7:30 or 8am. Only waking up once in the middle of the night was heaven!

Starting week 7 or 8 you have been consistently sleeping from 10pm to 7:30 or 8am...thats about 10 hours in case you didn't realize how awesome you are! I'm really hoping this schedule is for real, but I have a feeling when your mean old daddy makes you move to your crib it might change a little. We shall see. I've negotiated another few weeks for you to stay in our room in the bassinet because we will be traveling to the beach for Easter soon and you will have been sleeping in your pack n play so hopefully making the switch to the crib won't be as hard for you...for me there may still be tears involved.

This month we've been working on taking more consistent naps. You definitely sleep the best in the mornings so thats when I've been making you sleep in your bassinet. Aunt Megan gave us a woombie which has saved me during nap time since dad isn't home to swaddle you. The rest of the day your naps are still pretty much anywhere...mainly the car seat or the swing, you love them both.

:: Fun Things :: 

-The best thing about this month by far has been your smiling! Week 5 you started smiling and cooing and mimicking our noises and it literally NEVER gets old to us. My favorite part of every day is when I go over to get you out of your bassinet in the mornings, you recognize me and smile SO big...melts my heart.

-You are finally able to wear most of your 0-3 month clothes and growing out of some of your newborn stuff.

-You love your changing table, even if you have been upset, when you lay down on that thing it's magic!

-Everyone comments on how strong your neck is! You love to look all around and hold your head up all by yourself pretty much any time we hold you upright.

-You haaaate tummy time so I don't make you do it very much, oops.

-We still get all types of opinions about who you look like. I think the majority still say mostly dad though.

March 6, 2013

these are the days : engagements

The time has come for the Wrights. It's that time in our lives our parents told us about, the time we would always remember as the happiest. With memories of our beautiful wedding where we promised to love each other for the rest of our lives in front of our friends and family and the life changing experience of becoming parents to our little Liam, our hearts are FULL. Engagements, weddings and babies have been flooding our social media feeds as well as our everyday lives and Ben and I are so excited to celebrate the people we love!

This year, 4 girls who have each had a huge impact on my life got ENGAGED! 

:: Caroline & Will ::

My sister Caroline and her fiance Will have one of those stories that makes you want to a good way :). She and Will are high school Barbie and Ken sweethearts. They have made it through almost 7 years of dating...which is crazy enough...but add the Naval Academy and flight school to that and these 2 deserve a medal! They are finally going to be getting married this August and the adventure of military life will continue as they find out where they will be living only weeks before the wedding! 

Caroline and I are 18 months apart and could not be more different. Caroline is extremely extroverted, socially gifted, and thrives in the spotlight while I am easily embarrassed by attention and would rather have a one on one convo than try to mingle in a huge crowd. She is a fashionista, while I wear my husbands clothes. Obviously being so close in age as well as being girls, life as sisters has always been intense. We can fight and love each other more intensely than anyone else in our lives. These past 2 months, having Caroline around has been the greatest gift God could bless me with. It has shown me why our differences are such a blessing. She has come over almost every day to help me adjust to becoming a mom and served me by blow drying my hair, giving me clothes, bringing me chai tea, talking to people when I'm too tired, holding Liam so I could shower and so much more! She has done all of this in the midst of planning her wedding! Caroline, thank you so much for loving me so well during a time when you should be the one receiving the special treatment! You have blessed me in ways you can't imagine over the past few months and kept me sane while I settle into my new role as a mommy. We love you so much and can't wait to start spoiling you for the rest of your engagement!  

:: Kara & Ben :: 

Kara and I met in college through Laney and I honestly can't remember my life before knowing her! I heard about Ben last year when she first started the Fellows Program. They pretty much loved each other and knew they were "the one" the entire year but had to wait to do anything about it until after they graduated the program. It was so sweet to listen to Kara talk about Ben as they went through the year developing such a solid friendship...but also looking forward to the day she could call him her boyfriend! Their first "official" date was straight out of a movie, Ben planned an elaborate day filled with things he knew Kara would love. A few months later, not so shocking to those who had watched their story unfold, they got engaged! Ben and Kara are getting married in May and I cannot wait to celebrate with them! 

Since day 1, Kara and I have had one of those relationships that just clicked. We are able to laugh a lot and be totally ourselves while also sharing a depth and vulnerability that is so rare in relationships. Kara, I am so thankful to have you in my life! I know the Lord has orchestrated our friendship and given us the gift of Tuesday mornings to sharpen, affirm, and care for one another. You are so special to me and I cannot wait to continue to walk through life with you as old married women! 

:: Caitlin and Bo ::

Caitlin and I met through Young Life our Freshman year of college and lived together the following 3 years. After college, she moved to Knoxville where she was a part of the Fellows Program. After graduating, she decided to stay in Knoxville to start the real world as a working woman. When the next class of Knoxville Fellows came along, she met Bo! They got engaged this November and will be getting married in August. I can't wait to be a part of the wedding, go to Knoxville, and get to know Caitlin's post college friends and most importantly Bo! 

Caitlin was my first college friend that I didn't know from high school. She has played a major role in shaping who I am today and I don't have many memories from my years at NC State that don't involve her! Caitlin, you have been one of the most consistent friends I've ever had. I am so thankful for the ways that you challenge me and for the things you have taught me over the years. You have always pointed me to Christ and supported me in prayer. I am so happy for you and the love you have found in Bo. I cannot wait to watch you become his wife and to walk through this phase of life with you! I know that I am going to be challenged in new ways as we discuss marriage and what being a wife means! 

:: Laney and Graham:: 

Where do I even best friends are getting married!! I am still pinching myself and asking if this is real...Laney is going to be my sister! 

When Ben's youngest brother Graham came to NC State as a Freshman, I was a Senior and living with Laney. I have been so fortunate to have a genuine friendship with Graham since I started dating Ben, but when he came to State he really was one of my greatest friends and we spent lots of time together. When second semester rolled around and he started coming around our house more than normal, I quickly realized it was not just for me. Laney and Graham started dating and Ben and I were so excited that two people we loved so much were falling in love with each other! It was so fun to get a front row seat to their relationship and to watch them grow as individuals because of their love for each other. 

A few weekends ago, Ben and I were able to be a part of their engagement! Graham had told us that he was going to propose a few months prior and kept us updated throughout the preparation. It was torture holding in that big of a secret from Laney! When the weekend finally came, Laney was in Boone for a grad school "supervision" session. She was planning on going to dinner with a friend after it ended and then heading back to Raleigh. Graham had called her friend and arranged for her to drive Laney to the park where he would be waiting to propose! Graham pulled off the biggest surprise of Laney's life and proposed in a gazebo decked out in rose pedals and candles with a gorgeous rock and love letters (if you know her, you know letters are a big deal!). That night they drove back to Raleigh to celebrate with her parents, but there was one more surprise. Graham had arranged a celebration at the Bolick's with the Wrights and her closest friends! It was the happiest I had ever seen either of them! The excitement of finally being engaged to the man/woman of their dreams was written all over their faces. It was so fun for Ben and I to be a part of. We were so proud of Graham and the way he had intentionally thought through every detail and we were so happy to see Laney freely express her emotion and love for Graham! 

Ben and I are so excited for both of you! It is a dream come true for us to have you in our lives as our brother and sister forever! We'll save the rest for the gushing for the rehearsal dinner ;) We LOVE ya'll! 

A few pictures from the night: 

March 3, 2013

God Keeps His Promises

To dwell on the promises of God is one of the greatest practices in the Christian life.  It reassures our ever-wondering minds and our ever-wavering hearts, the steadfastness of Christ and faithfulness of God.

In Genesis 3, when sin entered the world through Adam, God made a few promises.  He cursed the land and promised that men would eat food by the sweat of their brow.  He also promised that women would have increased pain in childbirth.  I now know first hand the faithfulness of God in keeping these promises.  

I work by the sweat of my brow to put food on the table everyday, but birth pains is a new one for the Wrights.  Seven weeks ago, Elkie delivered baby Liam.  I'm here to tell you, labor is like going to war and the pain associated with giving birth is indescribable.  

As I stood by Elkie's side in the delivery room I felt utterly helpless.  The woman I love with every ounce of my soul was hurting, exhausted, on the verge of what seemed like death and I could do absolutely nothing.  I started asking a million "why" questions in my head - "why are we doing this", "why is this so hard", "why would God allow my wife to feel this way".... and on and on.  So, why would God make such promises?  The answer is simple - to let us see a glimpse of the severity of sin.  

Though these promises seem harsh on the surface, a deeper look exposes that these promises are wrapped tightly in the mercy and graces of God.  So, how is it gracious of God to allow us to experience the severity of sin and have our eyes opened to see it's offensiveness to God and the pain and grievousness it brings?  This answer too is simple - it opens our eyes also to the greatness of Jesus and His love that surpasses understanding.  How?  When we feel the effects of sin, we feel also the depth of the underserved love we have in Christ, as He bore the sin of the entire world on himself so that we might be reconciled to God.  When our view of sin is great, our view of God is greater.

The grace of God continues... as it always does.  When the labor pains ceased, we received the amazing gift of a child, Liam.  When I held him for the first time, I looked in his big beautiful eyes, I touch his hands that looked like mine, and heard him breath his first few breaths... It is all grace... It is all grace.  These were my thoughts.  I was overwhelmed with love for Liam, for Elkie, and for my God who knit him together, who made his inmost parts.  I did nothing to deserve this gift, I was helpless to bring him into the world, I was helpless to ease Elkie's labor pains, I am helpless now as I write these words.  Liam's life is sustained by God alone.  It is by grace that He is now here with us and by grace that he will continue to be.

In a world where we experience hardships, suffering, disease and death - In Christ, we are promised life, full life, where joy abounds and sorrows cease.  God keeps his promises, every single one...