March 3, 2013

God Keeps His Promises

To dwell on the promises of God is one of the greatest practices in the Christian life.  It reassures our ever-wondering minds and our ever-wavering hearts, the steadfastness of Christ and faithfulness of God.

In Genesis 3, when sin entered the world through Adam, God made a few promises.  He cursed the land and promised that men would eat food by the sweat of their brow.  He also promised that women would have increased pain in childbirth.  I now know first hand the faithfulness of God in keeping these promises.  

I work by the sweat of my brow to put food on the table everyday, but birth pains is a new one for the Wrights.  Seven weeks ago, Elkie delivered baby Liam.  I'm here to tell you, labor is like going to war and the pain associated with giving birth is indescribable.  

As I stood by Elkie's side in the delivery room I felt utterly helpless.  The woman I love with every ounce of my soul was hurting, exhausted, on the verge of what seemed like death and I could do absolutely nothing.  I started asking a million "why" questions in my head - "why are we doing this", "why is this so hard", "why would God allow my wife to feel this way".... and on and on.  So, why would God make such promises?  The answer is simple - to let us see a glimpse of the severity of sin.  

Though these promises seem harsh on the surface, a deeper look exposes that these promises are wrapped tightly in the mercy and graces of God.  So, how is it gracious of God to allow us to experience the severity of sin and have our eyes opened to see it's offensiveness to God and the pain and grievousness it brings?  This answer too is simple - it opens our eyes also to the greatness of Jesus and His love that surpasses understanding.  How?  When we feel the effects of sin, we feel also the depth of the underserved love we have in Christ, as He bore the sin of the entire world on himself so that we might be reconciled to God.  When our view of sin is great, our view of God is greater.

The grace of God continues... as it always does.  When the labor pains ceased, we received the amazing gift of a child, Liam.  When I held him for the first time, I looked in his big beautiful eyes, I touch his hands that looked like mine, and heard him breath his first few breaths... It is all grace... It is all grace.  These were my thoughts.  I was overwhelmed with love for Liam, for Elkie, and for my God who knit him together, who made his inmost parts.  I did nothing to deserve this gift, I was helpless to bring him into the world, I was helpless to ease Elkie's labor pains, I am helpless now as I write these words.  Liam's life is sustained by God alone.  It is by grace that He is now here with us and by grace that he will continue to be.

In a world where we experience hardships, suffering, disease and death - In Christ, we are promised life, full life, where joy abounds and sorrows cease.  God keeps his promises, every single one... 

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow Elkie... what a husband! And what an awesome daddy for that little guy to look up to and learn from. Lucky kid! I can't wait to meet the newest Elkins cousin. xoxo
