March 21, 2013

Dear Liam :: 2 Months

Baby bubs, you are 2 months old! I think I might start each of these posts with "I can't believe that you are already..." but really, I can't! Here's a quick recap of our life this month: 

:: Stats :: 

Weight: 11 pounds 15.5 ounces 

Length: 22 1/2 inches 

We just got back from your 2 month wellness checkup at the doctor. Even though we got great news and a healthy report it was pretty rough, you had 3 vaccines! I called in reinforcements because I couldn't stand to have to hold you down while you looked at me like "Why are you letting them do this to me??". We left that part to aunt Caroline...she wants to work with pediatrics anyway so I figured I'd give her some practice. You handled it like a pro...after crying all of your air out for 2 minutes... you fell right to sleep in my arms. Glad it's over!

:: Feeding :: 

You, my friend, love to eat. We are still on a pretty solid feeding schedule with me nursing you every 2 to 3 hours. Mostly its more like every 2 or 2 1/2, but who's counting? You are still great with breast feeding and it's become way less stressful since you are able to latch on immediately and eat anywhere...dressing rooms, parking lots...we keep it classy over here.

One of the big milestones for us this month was introducing a bottle. I was pretty nervous about switching back and forth because of what the internet calls "nipple confusion" so we made sure to wait until month 2 to try. Your dad gave you your first bottle while I was at a baby shower for your soon to arrive bff, baby Smith Andrews, and he said you sucked down all 4 ounces of my pumped milk in no time! He also said he was a little teary eyed while feeding you for the first time :). Since then you've had no trouble switching back and forth, so if I can figure out how to stock pile some pumped milk in the freezer, we might be doing this more often!

:: Sleeping :: 

The night that your uncle Graham and aunt Laney got engaged we wore you out! You didn't get to go to sleep in your bassinet until around 11:45pm. The next morning your dad and I woke up at 8am to silence and about broke something when we shot out of bed simultaneously to make sure you were ok. You had slept through the night! That time was kinda a fluke but really this entire month you have only needed to wake up once to be fed, around 3am, and then slept until about 7:30 or 8am. Only waking up once in the middle of the night was heaven!

Starting week 7 or 8 you have been consistently sleeping from 10pm to 7:30 or 8am...thats about 10 hours in case you didn't realize how awesome you are! I'm really hoping this schedule is for real, but I have a feeling when your mean old daddy makes you move to your crib it might change a little. We shall see. I've negotiated another few weeks for you to stay in our room in the bassinet because we will be traveling to the beach for Easter soon and you will have been sleeping in your pack n play so hopefully making the switch to the crib won't be as hard for you...for me there may still be tears involved.

This month we've been working on taking more consistent naps. You definitely sleep the best in the mornings so thats when I've been making you sleep in your bassinet. Aunt Megan gave us a woombie which has saved me during nap time since dad isn't home to swaddle you. The rest of the day your naps are still pretty much anywhere...mainly the car seat or the swing, you love them both.

:: Fun Things :: 

-The best thing about this month by far has been your smiling! Week 5 you started smiling and cooing and mimicking our noises and it literally NEVER gets old to us. My favorite part of every day is when I go over to get you out of your bassinet in the mornings, you recognize me and smile SO big...melts my heart.

-You are finally able to wear most of your 0-3 month clothes and growing out of some of your newborn stuff.

-You love your changing table, even if you have been upset, when you lay down on that thing it's magic!

-Everyone comments on how strong your neck is! You love to look all around and hold your head up all by yourself pretty much any time we hold you upright.

-You haaaate tummy time so I don't make you do it very much, oops.

-We still get all types of opinions about who you look like. I think the majority still say mostly dad though.

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