Liam, you turned 11 months old on December 16th! This was a full month with celebrating birthdays, holidays, and a new house for our family! After living with Big Jim and Zuzu for about 2 and a half months, we finally moved into our new home the very last week of your 11th month.
:: Feeding ::
We are still supplementing with formula and since we will be traveling to a wedding in Nashville after Christmas, which will be our first time leaving you, we are preparing to wean! It's so crazy that after feeling ready to be done with breastfeeding for a few months now, as I prepare to stop, I'm feeling sad! I think it's mostly because I'm realizing you are not a little baby anymore :(
To get ready for our trip, I've been replacing 1 feeding a week with a bottle of formula. You actually love getting a bottle - I think because you are definitely getting more formula than you would be getting from my breast milk. Right now we are up to 2 bottle feedings with 2 more to drop before the trip.
You are getting way better about eating solid food by yourself now, praiiiise the Lord! You love sitting in your high chair, eating, and chatting it up with me, daddy, or Zuzu. You have been feeding yourself mostly butternut squash, sweet potato, peas, carrots, and bananas. A new favorite this month has been cottage cheese - by itself, with blueberries, avocados - whatever you just love it!
:: Sleeping ::
You have slept really well at Big Jim and Zuzu's for the most part. Over night you are definitely still a champ. The only times you put up a fight are when you hear the dogs running around barking while you're trying to nap, or if you are feeling like you are missing out on something. This mostly happens during the afternoon nap. We are trying to stay strong and not let you dictate your nap schedule but sometimes we just have those days where we surrender and rock you the whole time you nap...which if I'm being honest is so sweet because we're all having trouble letting go of the baby phase!
Moving into our new house this week, the afternoon nap struggle continued the first few days. I'm thinking it might have something to do with how bright your new room is during the day. After a few days, you started going to sleep like normal again. We're all allowed a little time to adjust :).
:: Fun Things ::
- On November 18th, you started taking your first steps! It was so special to be able to catch it on camera with me, your daddy, Big Jim, and Zuzu all there to witness! Since then, you've taken off! We can't take our eyes off of you because you are into EVERYTHING and have NO fear!
-You finally got those top 2 teeth in and it was a hard couple of days while they were trying to come through. Now that they're in, we see why...hello chompers! I hate to tell you but I think you've inherited your moms buck/gapped front teeth.
- All things Christmas are your favorite - the lights, the music, the decorations, you love it all!
-Riley still loves you back, Amos is still tolerating :)
- You have started mimicking facial expressions and love trying to make us laugh with a new face:
You scrunch up your nose, squint your eyes, and start breathing fast - I think you're trying to snort like a pig? Whatever you're doing its hilarious and always makes me laugh when we're trying to put you down for a nap and you start doing that over and boy!
-You still love songs with motions and games like peek a boo.
-Our new house has stairs and they are endless entertainment for you...I follow you up and down the stairs ALL day long. We do have to get some baby gates ASAP though, because you've rolled down them a few times (I promise I'm not ignoring you) and you're still not scared to continue launching yourself down me Lord.
-We are still loving to guess who you are going to be one day, and more than ever, this month it feels like you are a little boy - a curious, busy, wild, sweet, snuggly, talkative little boy!
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