Liam, month 8 has been a fun one! You are wild and busy and starting to develop crazy fast! It is so fun to watch you grow and to be able to be there for every new "trick", habit, expression, and word so far! I am loving this age with you, little boy!
:: Feeding ::
Since we are still trying to pack on the pounds, you are still nursing every 3 hours and eating 3 solid meals a day. We are continuing to try to give you different fruits and vegetables so you have a lot of variety in your diet, but it's getting a little hard to be creative these days. Probably because I'm still making all of your food, which is getting harder as you are becoming mobile and eating more!
This month you started drinking water from a sippy cup. You love to hold it by yourself and stop eating to take a quick sip!
:: Sleeping ::
You are still doing awesome with your sleep schedule! We put you down at 7:30pm after a bath and you sleep through the night until 7am. We are also still doing 3 naps a day.
I am so thankful you sleep so well! You are definitely a creature of habit and do really well on a schedule but have been pretty good about being flexible with naps too. You are just the best :)
:: Fun Things ::
-The biggest thing that happened this month was learning to CRAWL!!
You have been scooting for a while but started crawling while we were visiting Aunt CaCa in Virginia Beach! You are so excited to be able to move on your own and I have a feeling there will be zero down time for mama anymore!
-You love watching videos of yourself, you smile and giggle the whole time.
-You love when ZuZu does "Ball for Baby", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "5 Little Mice", "Patty Cake", and "Wheels on the Bus".
-The Johnny Jump Up wasn't really a success. You liked it at first but got tired of it pretty quick, which made me reallllly sad not to be able to have you occupied for a little bit...sometimes I need both hands, Liam ;)
-Your favorite "toys" are currently: empty water bottles, metal dog bowls, and measuring cups
-You've started waving and saying "haaay"
-You are pulling up by yourself and love to stand. Your table that plays music is your favorite right now because you can stand over it, push buttons, and my personal favorite, dance!
-You fell in love with your Farm Animals book. We take it everywhere and your dad and I literally have the whole thing memorized. Your favorite animal is the pig! Aunt CaCa also gave you a book that recorded her voice reading it to you! You LOVE it and squeal the whole time she reads to you.
-You love clapping to "If You're Happy And You Know It"
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