January 25, 2014

Dear Liam :: 9 Months

:: Stats ::

Weight: 17 pounds, 13.5 ounces

Height: 27.5 inches

:: Feeding ::

You are still doing great with breast feeding and it has been such a relief to feel like we can relax a little on the schedule. You are still on the small side, but because you are sticking to a growth curve, the doctor says we're ok! You have kinda spaced out feedings on your own and we're able to go 3.5 or 4 hours between feedings these days...hooray for some flexibility! My milk supply is still not that great though, so the doctor recommended that we supplement with formula whenever I feel the need to, so we will see about starting that process maybe next month. 

We are also still doing solid food 3 times a day. You are able to pick up food and feed yourself, especially Cheerios, but still want me to feed you out of a straw most of the time. You are still getting used to the texture of foods and still really love pureed foods so we are working on that transition but trying not to push it. 

:: Sleeping :: 

Nothing new to report about your sleeping habits, thank goodness! You are still really consistent with your schedule, and sleeping about 12 hours at night! We are still doing 3 naps a day - about an hour each nap- but I have a feeling we will be dropping that third nap soon. Sometimes you skip it, but I'm holding on to it for now! 

During naps you've started talking and playing in your crib before falling asleep, as long as you're happy and eventually fall asleep, I'm great with you getting some alone time...it's still hard for you if I walk out of your sight! 

:: Fun Things :: 

- You are able to stand by yourself for a few seconds! You are also FLYING all around the house with your walker...I think we will be seeing some walking action soon!

- You love to mimic words and sounds, especially "Oopsie Daisy" "Oh Boy!" "Uh Oh" "Bye Bye" and an owl saying "hoo hoo". Hilarious. 

-You definitely prefer your sippy cup with a straw over the normal one. You love drinking water out of the straw. 

-We pushed you in a swing for the first time and you LOVED it. 

- We finally got a prescription for your cradle cap that still hasn't gone away...so we are hoping the new shampoo and lotion will help! 

-You are an outdoor boy for sure. You are happiest when you are outside playing with leaves and looking for birds in the sky :) 

-No one knows why, but your favorite dog is Riley...you love to play with her and she is actually great with you. She licks your cheeks and would play with you all day long, Amos on the other hand, can't be bothered with those childish games. 

-You love playing with your friends and have started to touch and grab and interact way more now that you're mobile, which is also a little bit of an issue trying to teach you to keep your hands to yourself - you're definitely the curious/wild one of the bunch! 

- In sad news, you had your first cold this month. It was the first time you have ever been sick at all and it was rough. It seemed like it lasted forever, but you made it through and really never kept me up at night so I can't complain! I just felt so sad for you and that runny nose and cough that stuck around forever. We've started running a humidifier in your room and it seems to help your cough. 

-You are still a mama's boy and I hope it stays that way forever and ever! 

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