April 27, 2015

February Happenings

:: Bubble bath fun ::

:: Great Wolf Lodge Trip with Nan & the Cousins :: 

:: Valentines Day Weekend in the Mountains ::

 :: Sick Day at Zuzu's ::

:: Girls Night Reunion :: 

:: Endless Snow Days :: 

Dear Bennett :: 3 Months

Baby girl, you are 3 months old and we are officially out of the acne, swollen baby struggle! You are growing into your beautiful big blue eyes and your hair is even laying down a little :) We didn't have a doctor's appointment but you are growing and developing so fast that I can't keep up! 

You are still sleeping like an angel, its unreal and wonderful! Because we still can't wrap our minds around you sleeping in your nursery downstairs all by yourself, we decided to move your crib into Liam's room. I love the thought of you 2 sharing a room and it looks like you will be a great sleeper just like him so we hope to move you into your crib next month! Your brother is so excited about your crib being on the other side of the room and asks every day when you will be able to sleep there :). 

You are officially sleeping in your bassinet at night and for all of your naps! This has been major progress because up until now, I've just loved having you in my arms or in the swing for naps but with you growing out of the baby phase, it was time to start giving you some quiet space and a routine for good sleep habits. 

Speaking of routines, we have finally started to try to give you a set bedtime and establish a night time routine. It's crazy how different you and Liam already are. By this time with Liam, we had a set routine for his whole day and his little personality really needed it and thrived on a schedule. You are so laid back and flexible that we're still figuring out what will work best for you. Thank you for being so patient with us baby girl! 

You are still doing great with nursing but don't want me to even think about trying to space out feedings. You're still eating every 2 hours and you've decided you want no part of a bottle. This is new territory for me and your dad since Liam always took a bottle. But it's just meant that you are my best girl friend sidekick and come with me everywhere I go! To be honest, at first the reality of taking you everywhere was overwhelming, but it has turned out to be sweet one on one time with you where I get to love on you and show you off!  

:: Fun Things :: 

-Your brother loves you...a lot! Too much sometimes :) He makes you smile more than anyone but also smothers you more than anyone! 

- You rolled over for the first time this month! You are so strong and have been since day 1. 

- You have a growing little group of baby friends thanks to our Harvest family. 

- You have started cooing and hamming it up when people talk to you and you smile so sweetly at everyone! 

B, you are the most lovable, roly poly, kissable squish we ever did see and we are falling more and more in love with you by the second! 

April 26, 2015

Liam's 2nd Birthday Party

Our sweet Liam boy turned 2 on January 16th, 2015. 

I can't help but feel a little ache in my heart when I think about him growing up, but by now this has become a familiar feeling. It pays me a visit whenever he does something new, repeats a grown up phrase totally out of context, looks at me with adventure in his eyes, or grabs my face and tells me he loves me. 

I am so thankful for the way God has grown and sustained our family this year, and especially thankful for the way's he is allowing Liam to flourish as a big brother! He has transitioned so well into loving on his little sister, making her laugh, and playing by himself when I need to give Bennett my full attention. The guilt I felt about having to divide my time has faded as I've seen little glimpses of Liam and Bennett becoming friends...ok it's faded and been replaced by my heart and soul feeling like it will explode out of my chest with love and cuteness overload! 

Even though the sibling thing is wonderful and so sweet, it was so exciting to tell Liam we were having a party just to celebrate HIM. And if there's one thing Liam loves, it's a birthday party! 

To celebrate this year, we had all of his buddies over for a cowboy party complete with s'mores and a "Wanted" photo booth. Liam was decked out in some vintage cowboy gear thanks to Zuzu saving Uncle Joe's favorite chaps and vest :). 

It was a crazy night with lots of friends and family who helped make Liam's 2nd birthday a special night to remember! Happy birthday precious boy, we love you so much!