August 20, 2012

Half Way...not quite, yet already

20 weeks along and 20 weeks to go, we are officially half way.  With every day that passes of this pregnancy, my eyes are opened more and more to the truths God is working out in my heart.  Although I have more truth than I know what to do with, God graciously continues to teach and convict my heart.  Two things I’ve been learning and thinking through over the past few weeks are these:  1. The weight of the responsibilities God has entrusted to us, and 2. How the graces of God are so intricately woven into and so immensely tied up in these responsibilities.

The most recent and relevant example is our baby on the way.  The responsibility of this needs no explanation.  The grace of God in this responsibility is this:  I deserve death, instead we conceive and will soon birth a child.  Wow.  As my eyes are opened to these glimpses of grace, my heart longs all the more to extend this grace to my child.  I believe this is the way the Gospel is designed to work itself out in our lives.  When I clearly see and hold fast to the Gospel, that is, the grace given me in Christ, I am full of gratitude and in this have a greater love for Jesus and those around me.  I don’t have to be anxious or weighed down by this responsibility because it is the grace of God.  Our baby is still being formed in the womb.  I have not seen him, nor held him, nor heard him cry, but even still, his conception is enough for me to taste the unconditional love and grace I have in Christ.  I will soon be responsible to father a child, to raise him, to love him, and to teach him how to live.  Praise God I can rest in the grace already governing my inability to so.  I deserve death, God gives me a child.

Another example is the responsibility I have as a husband.  The grace of God in this is: I am, by my sinful nature, unloveable... yet God gives me the love of Christ.  He didn’t stop there, He then calls me to love my wife with all the fullness of love given me in Christ.  To love her faithfully, passionately, and self-sacrificially with all humility and tenderness.  What?  I can feel the weight of this call even as I type these words.  When the world looks at my love for Elkie, they should see the love of Christ for His church.  I am not quite there but already sit in the grace and love of Christ.  

The more I can see and understand these glimpses of grace, the more I can see and understand the complete joy that will be mine in eternity with Him.  This is why I say, “not quite, yet already”. 

We are halfway through the pregnancy, 20 weeks and counting.  Not quite there, yet already resting in the fact that God is fearfully and wonderfully forming his inmost parts.  The responsibility is ours, our lives are His.


August 12, 2012

it's a...


Haleluuuujiah! Seriously. 

It has been a crazy week since Monday, when we found out we were going to be parents to a baby boy. I have lots of excuses for neglecting to blog about this huge news, including craziness at work and both the hubs and I being bed ridden with sickness BUT here we go, better late than never. 

Monday morning Ben and I both had to work, but I think I got the better deal with being able to work from home. I was able to get lunch and hang out with 2 of my closest friends for an hour or so leading up to the appointment. I don't know if we were just chatting away about other things and having too much fun to focus on what was about to happen, but I was so thankful to have something to focus on besides watching the minutes pass by on the clock. Before I knew it, it was 1:45pm and I was late, speeding to the doctors office - sorry Ben. 

At the appointment, they got us in right away and took us straight back to get the ultrasound. I think I was expecting a really emotional, sweet gender reveal from the ultrasound tech...but here's about how it went: 
tech: "So are you two going to want to find out the gender today?" 
B&E: "Yes ma'am, we are!" (Ben grabbing my hand and smiling from ear to ear) 
tech: "Ok, well here's the perfect shot"
B&E- no idea what we're looking at. 
tech: "Aaaand, there's his little scrotum" 
Ben: "So it's a boy!" 
tech: "Yep" 

And that's how we found out we were having a boy - not even a little bit how I thought it would go, but WE'RE HAVING A BOY! :) Homegirl needs some coaching on bedside manner/excitement - especially with first time parents! After the rest of the routine check up's for me, we were out of there and ready to start gearing up for the celebration! 

Ben's family is spread all over the state so they weren't able to make it, but we made sure they were the first to know our news. After a few fun phone calls with the Wright's, I headed to pick up the pinata for the big reveal. 

I really have to give all the credit and a BIG thank you to my mom and my sister for the best gender reveal party EVER. They put so much thought and time into all the little details: 

Baby Bump!

Who will be the winner??

I have the best BFF in the world - Auntie Kate drove all the way from Charlotte just to be with us for the news!

Grandma takes the first hit...

Big Jim was next...

You can tell by that face that Uncle Joe smashed it...


Aunt Jamie got to see the whole thing from Mississippi! 

Thankful for these girls

Team Boy - Winners! 

Team Girl - still cuties :)

This really was a night that Ben and I will remember forever. We got to celebrate some of the biggest news we will ever receive with family and best friends. We are so thankful for every single one of you and cannot wait for our little boy to grow up knowing you and learning from each of you! Please continue to pray with us that he will grow healthy and strong, that Ben and I would seek the Lord through this pregnancy and as we become parents, and that our little one would know and love Jesus! 

We love y'all!