May 10, 2015

Dear Bennett :: 5 Months

Hey pretty girl! This month has been really fun with lots of smiles, giggles, personality, and fun people! With the weather turning into beautiful warm spring days, it's been so fun to get you outside more. These pictures were from a little impromptu backyard photo shoot with your big brother, Big Jim and Zuzu making you laugh for me :) I got a few that I love, but these 3 are probably my favorite because they are so YOU. Bashfully sweet, wildly excitable, big brother loving, perma-tounge grinning girl! 

This month, we got serious about sleep training because you were still waking up multiple times a night since the sleep regression hit. After about 3 nights of letting you cry/giving you your paci/letting you cry some more throughout the night, you finally gave in and started sleeping from about 7:30pm to 5am. Letting you cry it out was so sad since you are so rarely upset, but we knew you could do it! 

Soon after that, we had some fun visitors! Your Uncle EJ, Aunt Megan and cousins Sullivan, Eli, and Nora came to stay with us! We were so excited to have them in Raleigh and for you and Liam to get to play with your cousins, who also happen to be your besties ;) We decided to give the Scalfs our bedroom and our family all piled in Liam's room. It was perfect timing to see how you would do in your crib since I would be on the floor right next to you if you started to make noise and wake Liam up. Well, turns out you hate your crib...bummer. I think the crib was too much room for you to roll around in and you missed being snuggled up in your bassinet. For the rest of the weekend we decided to set the bassinet into your crib and you did fine after that. It was also good to find out that Liam is a pretty hard sleeper! Your little noises and cries in the early morning didn't wake him up, hallelujiah! 

For now, I think we will hold off on moving you into Liam's room because I'm selfishly not ready to mess up his sleep habits. 

The visit with the Scalf's was so much fun. I love that you and Nora are so close in age and if your Aunt Megan and I have anything to do with it, will always be close friends! 

 :: Fun Things :: 

-You are a bubble blowing machine this month and it's hilarious!

-You are still wanting to put everything in your mouth and chewing like crazy.

-We had you cry through the 45 minute intruder and you have started stretching your naps out to sometimes 2 hours! 

-You have found your hands and love to try to grab people, toys, Amos etc. :) 

-We've started testing letting you ride in the stroller without your carseat and you seem to love it!

-For as laid back as your personality is, you are a MOVER. You love to roll around and try to get your knees up under you to scoot!

-You are getting more blond hair in and pretty soon I bet you'll be looking just like your big brother!

Charleston 2015

The Cooper River Bridge Run, a popular 10k race, brought us to Charleston for a long weekend in March.  If I'm completely honest, the race was just a good excuse to spend a weekend with our favorite friends in a beautiful city.  These friends of ours, they're the kind who will walk, better yet, run through life with you.  These are the people I want to run with.  They are immersed in truth, soaked in wisdom, dripping with joy,  and completely wrung out for the sake of others.  We love these people. 

We had a blast catching up, touring the city, and running our asses off.  Family friends of ours, Jean and Taylor Bush, graciously opened their home to us for the weekend.  We are so grateful for a weekend like this one... it was truly refreshing and exactly what our hearts needed.

This was just before the 10K began.  We showed up late and ended up in the last corral, the walking group.  There was a lady in front of us who literally brought 2 packs of cigarettes for the race.  Needless to say, we were bobbing and weaving through the walking group until we could run free.  Bennett and Sibbes rocked it in the stroller and did exceptionally well.  

Bennett made the trip and experienced being the "only child" for the weekend.  It was a really special time with her while her brother stayed back in Raleigh with Big Jim and ZuZu.

Lunch and Beer after the race to refuel before touring the city.

Sibbes Haddon Parker - aka Love Eyes

Bennett with uncle Brentice

Post race photo op.

Is planking still a thing?

Elkie and Shan crushed the 10K... ran the whole time!  Reminder: recently had babies and had maxed out at 2 miles during their "training"

After walking around all of downtown and admiring the architecture and beauty of Charleston, we went back to the house for some much needed down time. 

That night, we got cleaned up and fresh to death ^ and headed into Sullivan's Island for an amazing dinner outside at Poe's.

The next morning, after taking it easy for breakfast, we went kayaking right outside of the house, packed up and headed back into Charleston for some more sight seeing and a farewell lunch. 

After stalling our goodbyes for as long as possible, we headed our separate ways with magical memories and full hearts.

May 3, 2015

Dear Bennett :: 4 Months

Bennett Kate, you turned 4 months old on March 15th and I can't believe it! Throughout this month, we have gotten to see more of your personality start to come out and you are definitely making your presence known and giving your vocal chords some practice with your sweet happy noises. Your big brother is figuring out that you're pretty fun to have around and even play with a little ;) You think he is the funniest thing in the world and have started reaching for him, grabbing on to his face, and squeeling when he acknowledges you. It's the best. 

Even though you have been a much different and generally more laid back baby than your big brother, you did stay true to the dreaded sleep regression we experienced with him at the exact same age. Around week 3 of this month, you stripped us of our perfect 12 hour nights of bliss and started waking up a few times a night. It was a pretty rude awakening, but since up until now you've been unbelievable at night, I can suck it up and feed you while being thankful you're mine even in the middle of the night. There were a few multiple night feedings, but usually its once or twice. I'm trying to give you your paci and see if you'll go back to sleep without being fed so usually I only feed you once. We will start sleep training next month if this continues baby girl! 

You are still eating every 2 hours and don't want anything to do with a bottle, so we're still spending all day every day girl til the end! We're really getting the hang of nursing in public and honestly, I barely care anymore...we do what we gotta do! 

:: Fun Things :: 

-We get to do almost everything Liam does, so that means park trips, play dates, and Thursday mornings with Julianne, Smith, Linds and Wrenn (who has LOVED having a baby girl to love on). 

-You've developed cradle cap, just like! 

-You are rolling all over the place and still loving your play mat. Liam joins you on your mat pretty often and educates you about colors, animals, his favorite songs etc. 

-You are napping on the go a lot but when we're home, you sleep in your bassinet and the biggest change this month...the sleep sack! You are so much happier not having to fight your way out of a swaddle and even though it took a little bit to get used to the freedom, you seem to love it now! 

-You have become SUPER vocal, when you get excited you scream a happy scream, stick your tongue out and smile and coo and win everyone over in an instant! 

 You are still the best natured baby in the world and I am loving every second of being your mommy!