September 28, 2012

DIY:: Daybed

I have been meaning to post about/brag about how handy and crafty my husband is for a while now, so here we go! When we moved into our house last year, we had so many ideas about how to make it our own without breaking the bank...and guess what?? We've actually started making some progress, yes its a year and a half later, but we're taking it project by project :) I hope I can get Ben to sit down with me long enough to explain how we (ok, he) made some of our favorites. I'll start with a project I actually have pictures of...the daybed!

We have a really awkward room off the side of our kitchen that could be a really cool nook or it could be a junk collecting room for our drying laundry. Thankfully, I found some inspiration for a room just like this:

The Lettered Cottage has some awesome design tips and DIY ideas and this was so cool to me that I showed Ben and began begging.

Ben, being the sweet husband that he is, looked up a few tutorials for a day bed design and while I was in the process of writing down every detail and every step, Ben was done reading and knew how to do it after skimming the directions for literally 5 minutes. Thank the Lord for the way Ben's brain works because it would have taken me a full week to even go to the store with a list a mile long to start this thing. So, after a quick trip to Lowe's, Ben started cutting away until he had built what would be the base:

P.S. - please excuse my iphone pics and their blurriness

We decided to paint it white...duh. 

Being pregnant and all...this was all I could help with, and even that was a struggle because I'm pretty sure that's not allowed either. At least I tried...

After letting the 2 coats of paint dry, we pushed the three parts of the base together, added our extra twin mattress and it's bedding, and there she was! 

Since this picture was taken, we have added baskets that my Mom found for us that fit perfectly and really make it look complete. Unfortunately, around the same time that this was built, we adopted this terror: 

She has managed to chew all of the pillows to shreds and even started on the wood of the daybed AND the mattress. It's a good thing she's cute and Ben is more patient than me. We'll probably have to start over on all bedding, but until then...we have a daybed! More to come on this awkward little room and how we decide to decorate! 

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