November 24, 2012


I can't believe Thanksgiving has come and gone. This year more than ever I have looked forward to the Holiday season - it's always my favorite time of the year - but this year it's the last time Ben and I will celebrate with family and friends as a family of 2. I've been brainstorming ways to make this year extra special and intentional and it's looking like most of these ideas are going to have to happen between now and Christmas because true to form, the Holiday's are FLYING by.

Even though it came and went too fast, Thanksgiving didn't disappoint - it was full of family, food, rest, football, shopping, celebrating etc. Ben and I spent Thursday with my family and ate our weight...probably every kind of starch, casserole, southern, fallish food you can imagine.

I wish I could say that overflowing plate was Ben' my defense, I'm almost 8 months pregnant. After some recovery time on the couch, the boys continued the tradition of a basketball tournament in the backyard. It's mostly friendly competition, but there was blood and a Pistol Pete jersey involved this year. 

We ended the day by skyping with my cousins Michael and Kathleen who were traveling in Barcelona over Thanksgiving - you were missed!! 

Some went back for round 2....  :) 

Friday afternoon Ben, Laney and I headed to Concord to spend the weekend with the Wright's where we celebrated Ben's 26th birthday! Ben was loved on all weekend by friends and family and got to play 18 holes of golf with his dad and brothers, eat all of his favorite foods, and nap on his favorite piece of carpet in front of the fireplace (when it wasn't occupied by others).

In the midst of celebrating, Ann and this hypochondriac got their flu shots like good girls.

Celebrating Ben's birthday was such a great way to end Thanksgiving because it reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for. God has blessed me so much with this man! I truly believe we were created for each other and I am so thankful that I am more and more confident in that every year. 

I am so thankful for you, Ben! You are my best friend and I can't wait to share this next adventure together - how are we going to be someone's parents?? I have no clue, but I do know that you will keep me sane and point me to God's grace. I am so excited to meet our little boy and to watch the way you love him and become his hero. I love you!! Happy 26th!! 

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